Thoughts from my window

5th June 2024

Everyday I stare at the same old sight from my window. Same old same old..., that's what first registers in my mind, from my toe nails to the hair, whole body wanting to see something different, longing for a new view. But that's life you will not get things thw way you like it, when you like, but eventually you will get it though. Boredom will make you feel low but that's not what I want to talk about today. Now, at the window again, but if you stare long enough, you will see something different, just slightly different than what you saw yesterday.

The sun seems to smiling a little more today, no clouds in his way today, perhaphy that's why. My new neighbour is putting up solar panels on his roof today, his new almost complete now, I bet he will be able to move in by Diwali this year. Looks like the uncle in house no 50 is a little late today for his morning prayer, it's 11:00 already. A soft wind is blowing now, making the trees say from one side to the other.

I go to a old store in the city to buy my coffee beans. An old gentleman owns the store, a friendly guy, full of wise words and ways. I have been a regular customer for many years now and we share a good rapport with each other. On one occasion, while he prepared a cup of americano for both of us, I mentioned how the small city life is killing me from inside and how life can get so monotonous. He listened intently, and very quickly advised me to try to look at this life in another way. He mentioned that he and his wife go on a walk everyday around 6pm to a stretch near the city center, and while passing by, each time, he gets to see something new, the path although being the very same. 'Look closely', he said and there is novelty around that we keep on missing everyday.

Many more thoughts float by standing at my window.